Dashuai Sun's Signature Memberships:
American Watercolor Society
Watercolor USA Honor Society
Transparent Watercolor Society of America
National Society of Painters in Casein and Acrylic
Acrylic Painters USA
Rocky Mountain National Watermedia Society
North-East Watercolor Society
Pennsylvania Watercolor Society
Northwest Watercolor Society
Missouri Watercolor Society
Salmagundi Art Club
Allied Artists of America, INC
American Artists Professional League
National Art League
China Artists Association
Dashuai Sun’s Awards:
Mary Bryan Memorial Medal and $2500 Cash in the American Watercolor Society’s 153rd Annual International Exhibition
10th Place in the 2019 Acrylic Painters USA Annual Juried Exhibition
First Prize and Gold Medal winner in international competition jointly sponsored by France’s The Art of Watercolour magazine and the National Watercolor Society, The Art of Watercolour rewarded the artist with ten full center pages for free, accompanied by an interview with the editor-in-chief, eleven works published simultaneously in the 36th issue of the 2018 French edition and 30th issue of the English edition
3rd Place in the 27th Annual Juried Experimental Art Exhibit of the International Society of Experimental Artists
“Schmincke Award” in the 2018 NorthStar Watermedia Society National Exhibition
Bronze Medal in the Red River Watercolor Society’s 25th Annual National Juried Watermedia Exhibition
“Karen and Gary Lee Award” in the 2018 Adirondacks National Exhibition of American Watercolors
“Travel Award” of the AWS 2018-2019 Traveling Exhibition